PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick


Ihr liewe Leit:

   Mer mache heit weider mit Gwilts/Debbiche. Do sin noch en paar Linye vum Birmelin:

Noh geht's mol an die Gwilterei
Un fleissich watt genodelt;
Noch annere Weiwer kumme bei,
Do watt net rumgelodelt.
Un, wie des bei de Weiwer geht,
Watt zimmlich viel geblaudert;
Verzeehle all die Nei-ichkeet.

   Der Gilbert hot aa geglaabt ass die Weibsleit net yuscht neehe, awwer aa babble:

So schtunnelang watt genodelt,
Un's geht doch so schnell wie en Fuhr.
Des Eifeddle bringt meh Gebabbel,
Der Neezfaadem zuckt -sei Nadur.

   Un was kennt's sei ass die Weibsleit zu erzeehle hen? Zerrick zum Holsbock:

Die Finger sin fleissich un fliege
  So schnell ass die Zung gans rum.
Sie wickle der Debbich un gwilde
  Un babble fer manche Schtund:
"Well, die Ketty Kiehbidders hot gheiert
  Un hot nau am End mol en Mann-
Nix abbaddich an sellm, sie saage
  Er's en dreckicher son-of-a-gun.
Was denkscht vun em Parre? Du liewe,
  Was kann er doch breddiche, gell!
Er hot mol die Sinder geleddert.
  Ich hab's ne gegunnt. Geb mer'n Schpell.

  Awwer em Eschelman sei Gremmemm hot Debbiche gans selwer gemacht:

Sie schafft die Schtunne fleissich weck;
En nitzlich Lewe, hocher Zweck.
Yetz iss die Graendmamm nimmi do;
Sacht schlooft sie unnerm Himmelsbloh.

O, halt in Aehr un Dankbarkeit
So gude, fleissiche, alt-faeschent Leit!

   Ya, es gebt nimmi so viel Weibsleit wu sich die Zeit nemme fer Schtunnelang am Debbichgschtell zu schaffe. Un villeicht deshalb hot der Fisher in seim "Die Alde Zeide" gschriwwe: "Ach, wann ich yuscht so'n Gwilt noch hett/Ich wott nix Schennres uff meim Bett."

   Un der Birmelin: "O, wann mer noch so'n Debich hett/ Un noch en gut altfraenkich Bett!/ Mer legt sich owets in die Ruh/ Un deckt sich mit dem Debbich zu./ Do schlooft mer dann so ruhich ei/ Un Sarrige losst mer Sarrige sei."

Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer

Dear people:

   We will continue today with quilts. Here are yet a few lines from Birmelin:

Now they get started on the quilting
And they "needle" diligently;
Other women come by,
They don't idle about.
And, as it goes with women,
They talk/chat quite a bit;
They tell all the news.

   Gilbert also believed that the women don't just sew, but also chat:

They "needle" for hours on end,
And it goes as quickly as a (horse and) wagon.
Threading the needles brings about more chatting,
The sewing thread twitches/jerks -its nature.

   And what could it be that the women have to tell? Back to Hulsbuck:

Their fingers are diligent and fly
  As quickly around as their tongues.
They roll up the quilt, and sew
  And talk for many an hour:
"Well, Ketty Kiehbitters got married
  And finally in the end has a man/husband-
Nothing special about him, they say
  He's a dirty son-of-a-gun.
What do you think about the pastor? Wow,
  How he can preach, right!
He certainly tore into the sinners.
  I was happy about that. Give me a pin.

  But Eshelman's grandmother made quilts all by herself:

She diligently works away the hours;
A useful life, high purpose.
Now grandma is no longer here;
Quietly she sleeps under the blue heavens.

Oh, keep in honor and thankfulness
Such good, diligent, old-fashioned people!

   Yes, there are no longer many women who take the time to work hours long at the quilting frame. And perhaps that is why Fisher wrote in his "The Olden Times": 'Oh, if I just still had such a quilt/ I would want nothing nicer on my bed."

   And Birmelin: "Oh, if you still had such a quilt/ And still had a good old-fashioned bed!. You lie down to rest in the evening/ And cover yourself with the quilt./ Then you fall asleep so quietly/ And let troubles be troubles."

Take care,
The Old Professor
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